Victoria Young -- Opposite Customs of the Egyptians (paper 2 rewrite) This is a good improvement over the original version of your paper, especially in the rewritten first paragraph. However I think the idea of gender differences that you introduce in the final sentence of the paragraph should come earlier (but not just moving that sentence -- save the boundaries idea for the end). The current next-to-last sentence would be a better conclusion to that opening paragraph. One other comment -- you say pretty consistently that the Egyptians have cultural boundaries "set up" or "put up." That makes it sound as though someone decided intentionally that the Egyptians should have these differences with other peoples. I'm not sure you meant that. And I really doubt Herodotus would say that's what he meant either. It would have been better to find a way to say this that allowed for the possibility that those differences just developed naturally without anyone actually creating the differences in order for them to be differences. For instance, in the final sentence from the first paragraph: "Egyptians not only have religious, cultural and traditional boundaries put up between themselves and the world, ... " instead of saying "put up" you might say something like this: "Not only do boundaries exist between the religion, culture, and traditions of Egypt and the religion, culture, and traditions of the rest of the world, but ... " Content: B+ Mechanics: A-