Kong Xiong -- Borders of Knowledge and Self (paper 2 rewrite) This is definitely improved over the original version. The main comment I have now is that the final sentence in your first paragraph: "A border between belief and knowledge and a self-border within this experiment and the experiment’s result, as well as Herodotus’s analysis of the experiment, challenge us to take on our beliefs and come up with our own reasoned answers and conclusions" is quite complicated. If you find yourself writing something like this, it might be a good idea to split it up into two or more sentences. Also, I was not exactly sure what you meant by the "self-border" within the experiment. I understand you are referring to the fact that, on the basis of the result of the experiment, the Egyptians thought they had acknowledge something about themselves, namely that they were not the oldest people. However, I don't quite see how that is a border and why that is not subsumed by the border between belief and knowledge that you (rightly) identify out as the first main type of border involved in this passage. Another comment: You say Herodotus "exemplifies a lifestyle of acceptance of what he is told." First, I'm not sure that really qualifies as a "lifestyle." I think maybe an "attitude" or a "tendency" would fit better there. More importantly, the reason I'm pointing this out is that unlike most people, Herodotus also went out into the world and apparently spent most of his life doing the research to write his Histories. He does not always accept things uncritically, either. He weighs the evidence carefully and often says things like: "This is what I was told and I report it as such. I don't believe it, though." There are also still a few small writing slips, but nothing major: On page 2, "A lifestyle with little doubt of what is the truth and what is right." is not a complete sentence (no main verb). At the top of page 3, "lifestyles" should be singular "doubles checks" should be "double-checks" Content: B+ Mechanics: A-