Ave Zakai Taylor-Kelley -- Customs of the Egyptians (paper 2 rewrite) Ave, in my comments on the previous version of the paper I said, "For your rewrite, you should start by rethinking [your] introduction. Your goal should be to lay out the exact borders that you are going to consider, not just say there are borders. I think the first thing to concentrate on is the way Herodotus frames his description of Egyptian customs by introducing the "entirely opposite" idea. You could say something like 'Herodotus is claiming that there is a border between Egyptian customs and those of all other societies defined by the fact that the Egyptians do everything in a completely opposite way.' Note that this is certainly a separation. But it is also a connection (in a certain way) because, in order to describe the Egyptian customs, Herodotus compares them to customs of the Greeks and of other peoples through that idea." I don't see that you have done that at all. You have made some other smaller changes based on my comments and those are good improvements. But the paper still doesn't do a really good job of defining what the borders involved in the Egyptian Book of Herodotus are. Content: B- Mechanics: B+