Quinn Suydam -- The Experiment of Psammetichos (paper 2 rewrite) The new opening paragraph is a good improvement over what you had before. The only major thing now is that the final sentence: "A second boundary and border highlighted by the story is that although cultures are different and those differences can be used as a source of pride and differentiation for a culture, such as being the oldest civilization, the various cultures must also be closely related to each because the story suggests that different civilizations are derived from one another" is pretty long and complicated. The phrase "such as being the oldest civilization" is not really at the right place in the sentence to make it flow smoothly. This would go better right after "differences." Then you could split the long sentence into two sentences like this: "A second boundary and border highlighted by the story is that cultures are different and those differences, such as being the oldest civilization, can be used as a source of pride and differentiation for a culture. Various cultures must also be closely related to each because the story suggests that different civilizations are derived from one another." You suggestion that it was physical separation that led to the development of different languages is exactly right, I think. A few minor details: On page 2, "he does not no what it means" has a typo(!) "no" should be "know" On page 3, "One of the more glaring boundaries highlighted by Herodotus’ story, is also the lack of historical perspective ... " should not have the comma. Content: A Mechanics: A-