Juliana Surratt -- Herodotus and Borders (paper 2 rewrite) I think this version is a great improvement over your first version; your reasoning and conclusions are much sounder. You have also done a very good job working the theme of borders into what you are saying. Good work! I have a comment on a historical point, though: On page 2 you say "In Ancient Greece the court was considered a divine institution ... " but I was not sure what sort of "court" you were thinking of. The Greeks had many different sorts of governments in different places and at different times. There were certainly royal courts of kings that were thought of that way in certain periods. But during the 5th century BCE (the time when Herodotus was alive), during the high point of the Athenian democracy, there were no such institutions in Athens, for instance. All the political decisions were taken by direct votes of the council of (male) citizens (imagine something like a legislature with roughly 6000 voting members(!). I don't think your comment is valid quite as generally as you seem to be saying. A writing comment: You occasionally use words like "betwixt" (top of page 3). It's not that you are using that word incorrectly, it's that it doesn't really fit with the style of writing you are aiming for. Because they are pretty archaic, words like "betwixt" tend only to be used now when the writer is aiming for a humorous effect or a self-consciously "antique" style. Content: A Mechanics: A