Victoria Pierce -- (no title) (paper 2 rewrite) Victoria, I think you have made some improvements in the overall structure of the paper and the way you now use the theme of borders. However, I think there are *many* more writing issues here than in the version I saw before. What happened? I want to go through one paragraph in detail to show you what I mean. This is the second paragraph starting toward the bottom of the first page: The information obtained from the section about the Egyptian’s <= this should be the plural possessive: Egyptians' customs seems as if Herodotus spent time one on one time <= something extra here (why is "time" repeated?) with them. He says “I am going to extend my account of Egypt at some length here and give additional details about it…” (Section 2.35). It has to be that Herodotus himself was presently there <= do you mean "there in person"? watching what the Egyptians himself <= This does not make sense. Is something missing? because the way he describes their life style makes it seem like he was so interested. I don’t think anyone who seems to have that must <= much? passion for talking about a culture that is not his could make up such information. For example when they claim that didn’t know who one of the 12 Egyptian gods Herakles a “god of great antiquity” (Section 2.43). <= This is not a complete sentence and I don't understand what you meant to say. Herodotus himself traveled to Phoenicia to inquire <= "inquire" doe not make sense here; did you mean acquire? or maybe "inquire about"? more proofs and evidence. He looked at many different topics covered in Egyptian norms being gender, purity and religion, and animals. <= "topics covered in" doesn't really make sense here; did you mean "topics regarding Egyptian norms of gender, religion, and their customs about purity and animals" It is also essential to realize that Herodotus claims that there is an actual separation between the Egyptians and other societies in the way that the Egyptians do everything the complete opposite of everyone else. <= This is very good. While there are many differences <= really need a comma here there are some similarities in the way that Herodotus finds way to compare topics and rituals to the Greeks and other cultures he studied like the Persians. <= This is very awkward. There are comparable problems throughout (we can go through line by line in office hours if you think it would help). Please consider making use of the Writer's Workshop for future writing assignments. The consultants there can help you "brainstorm" ideas about papers and plan out the outline of what you want to say. They don't usually do line-by-line editing with you but they can help with some things there too. Content: B+ Mechanics: C+