Rosamund Mitchell -- Herodotus on Persian Culture (paper 2 rewrite) The additions you have made are a good improvement over the first version, but several passages are still quite repetitive and I don't think you took the opportunity to really rework your essay as seriously as I hoped. I'm thinking in particular of places like your final paragraph where you say "His goal is to record the Persian culture and customs for posterity." near the start and "It is difficult to determine whether Herodotus's information about the Persians is reliable and valid due to lack of sources or possible unreliability of sources, and therefore he may not have succeeded in recording the customs and culture of the Persians for posterity." The second statement is referring back to the first, so the fact that you are using essentially the same phrase "the culture and customs of the Persians for posterity" again makes this seem repetitive. You could have tightened this up by rewriting the second to say something like "... and therefore he may not have achieved the goal mentioned above." Two other technical points: In the sentence, "This idea of equality makes it easier for Herodotus's Greek readership to conceivably understand their Persian counterparts." I think you want the "conceivably" much earlier: "The idea of equality conceivably makes it easier ... " (Or did I misunderstand what you were trying to say? Finally, the reference "(Herodotus XXV)" is rather cryptic. I assume you are referring to page xxv in the Introduction by Rosalind Thomas in the Landmark edition of Herodotus. In the future (and especially in other classes) you will certainly need to include more complete citations for direct quotations that you use. Content: B+ Mechanics: A