Michael Melch -- Egyptian Cultural Borders (paper 2 rewrite) Your new title is a good addition, and this is generally a very good improvement over the first version. But I think you still need to think more about how paragraphs function in an essay. For instance, the long paragraph that starts at the bottom of page 1 is quite long and it covers several different topics. The sentence on page 2, "Another way that Herodotus creates a border between Egypt and other places is through their writing system." would be a natural topic sentence for a new paragraph. Similarly, a bit farther down in that large paragraph, "Herodotus does not make the reader aware of the source[s] of his information ... " would be another natural place to break the previous paragraph and start a new one. The main question I have now concerns your overall evaluation of the passage in your conclusion. Using the words "backwards, inverted" to describe Egyptian culture introduces some additional negative connotations (beyond just saying "opposite"). Did you mean to say that you think Herodotus is criticizing the Egyptians because they do things in the "opposite" way? If so, can you point to a particular place that is giving you that impression? To me, it does not seem that he is doing that; I would argue Herodotus is just saying the Egyptians are interesting because they are different. Content: A- Mechanics: A-