Jack Katarincic -- The "Contrary Nature" of Egyptian Culture (paper 2 rewrite) I think most of the rewrite was pretty successful. The exception to that is your opening paragraph. You have worked in the idea of the boundary between Egyptian customs and everyone else's customs via the idea that the Egyptians do everything in the opposite way. However, the paragraph is kind of choppy and it has several errors. "In Sections 2.35-2.37 of The Landmark of Herodotus, Herodotus begins to describe the Egyptians. He describes in detail the customs of the Egyptians. Herodotus is claiming that there is a border between Egyptian customs and those of all other societies defined by the fact that the Egyptians do everything in a completely opposite way. In this passage Herodotus encounters clear geographical and cultural borders between the Egyptians and other society’s." First, the name of the book is *The Histories* (that's supposed to be italics, not in quotes, but I can't do italics in a plain text file like this). The edition we read is called the Landmark edition of Herodotus' *The Histories*. But in citing a passage from the book by Herodotus, you don't normally indicate which edition you are using. Just say *The Histories* by Herodotus. Then, the first two sentences could be combined like this: "In Sections 2.35-2.37 of *The Histories*, Herodotus describes the customs of the Egyptians in detail." The last sentence has a couple of problems: (1) You could say that Herodotus "encountered" differences if you were referring to the trip he says he made to Egypt to do the research behind this book. But "encounters" does not really make sense if you are talking about the the passage in the book. Maybe "discusses" or "details"? (2) "society's" at the end is not correct. You just mean the plural: "societies." Most of the rest is good, but there are quite a few slips between: Egyptians = plural Egyptians' = plural possessive (There are a lot of times where you say Egyptians when you mean this. See the first line on page 4 for one example.) Content: A- Mechanics: B+