Jill, Your paper on the "curious incident" is mostly very good. As I mentioned before when I read the draft, the quotation from "To Kill a Mockingbird" actually works very well in the introduction. The one place where I think you have not quite understood an aspect of what Christopher thinks is the discussion of why Christopher finds mathematics appealing on page 2. The quotation you use from page 61 is actually what Christopher reports that the teacher Mr. Jeavons said to him. But Christopher then goes on to say that he does not agree with that and the discussion of the Monty Hall Problem is the example he uses to say why he doesn't agree. It's not exactly that mathematics is "safe ... with a straightforward answer at the end." I think the real appeal of mathematics for Christopher is that, no matter how complicated things get, there are still definite rules. It's not exactly "safe" because it is so easy to go wrong by following your intuition (as in the Monty Hall problem). But Christopher can use his sort of intelligence to figure out what is true within that domain better than in other areas where his abilities don't apply as well. Your final paragraph is very good. Some specific comments: (1) Throughout: Somehow, I think we're supposed to guess that Christopher would hate nicknames. After all, each person has one "official" set of names, so wouldn't calling someone named Christopher by "Chris" or a John by "Jack" be almost like a form of lying to him? Note that, in the book, no one ever uses any other name for him besides his full name, Christopher. (2) Page 1: Asperger's syndrome is one of the conditions on the autism spectrum, so I don't think it's really correct to say "an autism spectrum disorder and Asperger's syndrome" (3) Page 2: "The one bit of common ground we were able to discover, was American Sign Language." Don't put a comma after "discover." In the next sentence, the semicolon should be a colon or a dash. (Semicolons are used mostly when you're putting two complete sentences into one; that is not the case here.) Content: 88 (B+) Mechanics: 92 (A-)