Detailed Schedule -- Mathematical Thinking

MONT 106Q -- Fall 2016, Prof. Little

This is (still!) a tentative, evolving schedule. Topics will be "fleshed out" in greater detail as we proceed. If necessary, some topics may also be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any major changes will be announced in class and here. Note: In the readings below, [Asc] = Ascher, Ethnomathematics , [Jos] = Joseph, The Crest of the Peacock, [Had] = Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, [Her] = Herodotus, The Landmark Herodotus, The Histories, [Sha] = Shakespeare, Othello, [Abb] = Abbott, Flatland.

Date Class Topic Readings/Assignments
10/10,12,14 Fall Break -- no class
10/17 When Warlpiri answer questions about kinship are they "thinking mathematically?" [Asc], Chapter 3
10/19 Shakespeare's Othello; the theme of borders [Sha] -- please read the whole text of the play prior to this day
10/21 Shakespeare's Othello; the theme of race [Sha] -- Essay 2 rewrites due
10/24 Shakespeare's Othello; the characters Iago, Othello, Desdemona [Sha]
10/26 Tracing graphs in the sand [Asc], Chapter 2 (pp. 31 - 65)
10/28 Graphs -- questions to ask [Asc], Chapter 2
10/31 The information contained in a graph [Asc], Chapter 2 -- Essay 3 due
11/2 Conclusion of unit on graphs [Asc], Chapter 2
11/4 Midterm Exam Consult review sheet to be distributed for topics covered
11/7 Symmetric strip decorations -- examples [Asc], Chapter 6 (pp. 155 - 183) -- Writeups from Eulerian path discussion due
11/9 Understanding the possible types [Asc], Chapter 6
11/11 Cantor Gallery visit, guided tour of "Woven Power" exhibit Meet at gallery, first floor, O'Kane Hall at 9:00am
11/14 Chance and strategy in games and puzzles [Asc], Chapter 4 (pp. 85 - 121) -- Problem set 4 due
11/16 Chance and strategy [Asc], Chapter 4
11/18 Chance and strategy -- the game of mancala [Asc], Chapter 4
11/21 Conclude chance and strategy in games [Asc], Chapter 4 -- Problem Set 5 due
11/23,25 Thanksgiving Break -- no class
11/28 Flatland -- a ``romance of many dimensions'' (What does that mean?) [Abb] -- please read the whole (short!) text prior to this day
11/30 Flatland society and its ``mathematical structure'' [Abb]
12/2 Flatland and transcending borders [Abb]
12/5 Ethnomathematics [Asc], Chapter 7 (pp. 185-199)-- Essay 4 due by 5:00pm
12/7 Do we need to rewrite the history of mathematics? [Jos], Chapter 1 (pp. 1 - 29)
12/9 Wrapping up this semester's mathematical journey

The Final Exam for this course will be given 8:00--10:30am on Thursday, December 15.

Last modified: November 19, 2016