Mary McGregor -- Fear Begets Fear Your choice of passage to write about was an excellent one. I think you have done a great job analyzing what Cheryl Strayed says about how she learned to conquer (or maybe just put aside) her fears. She needed to do that in order to keep going and not get paralyzed on her hike. She also learns how to handle fears like the fear of not being liked by others (mostly men) in the process. So you are right that this is a key passage in her journey. You have understood this passage very well and shown how it fits in with her journey to self-discovery through her hike. A few technical points: First in the opening paragraph, your quotation from "Wild" is not really done correctly for two reasons. The first, smaller problem is that you missed the verb first sentence. The second issue is that the sentences you quoting span several paragraphs in the original. I believe that it would be better to preserve the paragraph breaks in you quotation because Cheryl Strayed doesn't do things like that with no reason. She's a careful and good writer. So the fact that "But I wasn't thinking of them." is actually a paragraph of its own is probably something you want to keep in quoting the passage. You say a bit later "hiking the coast of California," but that's not really correct. The PCT is located well inland the whole way -- see the map on page xi. The phrase "a callused woman" near the top of page 2 sounds a bit odd. It might even be a direct quotation from "Wild" somewhere, although I couldn't find it just now. But even so, it might be better to explain a bit more about what you mean. Even saying "a woman with calluses from her physical exertion" would make it clearer what you mean, I think. Content/Evidence -- A Structure/Mechanics -- A-