Callan Hendershott -- Paper 3, Wild Excellent work! Your chosen passage is an interesting one and you have developed a very satisfying interpretation of what leads Cheryl Strayed to cry for the first time on her hike. The last sentence and the "fifty-some hard days on the trail and 9,760 days that had come before them too" (that is, all of her previous life) have gotten Cheryl Strayed to a place where she can really start her life as an adult, to where she is "full." I have a few mechanical comments -- there are a number of times when you use direct quotations but you need to make a lot of changes to fit the grammar of the sentences you want to write. You are doing that completely correctly from the technical standpoint. But if you need to do a lot of that to make things work, it's probably better not to use the direct quotation. It becomes a chore to read some of those chopped-up and reworded sentences. Paraphrasing is OK in that situation; you can still put in a reference to the page where the passage you are drawing from is located. Also there were a very few places (see page 3 for instance) where tenses within a paragraph are not consistent. But your writing here is generally very good, direct, and fluent. Content/Evidence -- A Structure/Mechanics -- A