Alex Gionis -- "Third Paper Assignment" (not the catchiest title, but OK ... ) Almost all of what you say is right on target here. But, in a way, you're mostly just stating your own good interpretation of the overall meaning of the passage without backing it up with a close reading and explanation of exactly what Cheryl Strayed says. For instance, *why* does she say "I didn't feel sad or happy. I didn't feel proud or ashamed." What does she mean by "I only felt that in spite of all the things I'd done wrong, in getting myself here, I'd done right." What's the "in getting myself here?" Why does she feel that she had done right? You are presenting answers to some of those questions in indirect ways, but it's not coming out in your writing as the "delv[ing] in detail into a particular passage in the book" that the assignment was asking for. For instance, the "I didn’t feel sad or happy. I didn’t feel proud or ashamed" seems to me to be mostly numbness from emotional exhaustion at the end of a struggle, or a realization that she has turned a corner and is now on a different path. She knows that she did the right thing now by undertaking the hike, that going on the hike has started to pull her out of the self-destructive spiral she was in before. But those problems are still too close and there's still too much for her to do for her to feel happy or proud of what she has done. The "in getting myself here, I had done right" is the real point of the whole passage, I think. Your writing is generally very good here. I think the less formal tone suits you better. Technical point: Be more careful about identifying the sources of direct quotations. You use the quotation "I'm a free spirit who never had the balls to be free" but you don't say where it comes from and I couldn't track it down without essentially going through the whole book because I don't remember exactly where it comes from. That might seem like a small thing, but it's important for a careful reader of your work who wants to understand the context of the quotation you use. Content/Evidence -- B Structure/Mechanics -- A-