Alex Clark -- "Self-Discovery" Your analysis of the assigned passage from Wild is mostly good, but there are a few aspects I would disagree with. First, you say that "Strayed speaks of her life before the trip with indifference: she misses certain aspects, but 'does not want to go back to it either.'" But her statement "That awful moment when Paul and I fell onto the floor and I told him the truth about my infidelities kept coming to me in waves," is anything but "indifferent" -- it's a genuinely intensely painful moment that she cannot really escape (mostly because she knows she was entirely to blame for breaking up her marriage). I think her emotional state at this point is much more complicated than "indifference." She acknowledges that she made a lot of mistakes along they way and she realizes she had to get away from the situations and attitudes that led her into those mistakes. (You address much of this later on.) But saying she misses her old life (mostly her former husband, Paul, I think) but doesn't want to go back is really not indifference. It's a realization that she has changed and that that part of her life is over. Also, the "I didn’t feel sad or happy. I didn’t feel proud or ashamed" seems to me to be more like numbness from emotional exhaustion at the end of a struggle, or a realization that she has turned a corner and is now on a different path. She knows that she did the right thing now by undertaking the hike, that going on the hike has started to pull her out of the self-destructive spiral she was in before. But those problems are still too close and there's still too much for her to do for her to feel happy or proud of what she has done. The "in getting myself here, I had done right" is the real point of the whole passage, I think. You address that well in your second paragraph. Finally, in your discussion of the passage from page 111, you say "She pretended to be someone she was not because it was easier for her." I don't think that's really right as her main motivation. I think she did what she did because she was afraid she wouldn't be liked by men if she didn't act flirty and "girly." Also, I don't see that you connect the passage from page 111 with the assigned passage from page 189 very effectively. What she says about her new way of interacting with men on page 111 is a different aspect of her journey, for sure. But note that in the assigned passage she is actually alone. Most of the writing is good too, but I see you stuck really closely to passages we discussed in class. There are many other aspects of the story that probably relate even more closely to this passage. So your choice of other parts of the story to highlight is not as good as it could be. There are a number of small writing slips too. For instance on page 2, "This name, she believed encompassed her situation perfectly ... " really needs a second comma after the "believed." A bit later, "heroine abuse" sounds like she's abusing a leading female character in a story, not the drug :) Near the top of page 3, "She hid herself from people by pretended" should have "pretending" instead. In the last sentence, the "The" at the start should be omitted. Content/Evidence -- B Structure/Mechanics -- B+