Isabel Block -- A Wild Journey Your choice of passage to write about was an excellent one. I think you have done a great job analyzing the metaphor of the bare hands reaching for the fish in the water. Cheryl Strayed uses this first to describe her attempts to understand the meanings in the poems in The Dream of a Common Language by Adrienne Rich and then to describe her attempts to understand her own situation at the end of the trip. The message that it is OK to wait for answers to the big questions is an important one and we could all probably learn from that to some extent. Your writing here is significantly improved over the Huckleberry Finn paper, I think. Good job, but see the third comment below. A few specific comments: 1) In your first sentence, I'm not sure exactly why the phrase "and like the rest of the world" is there. What did you want to say with that? It's certainly true that the rest of the world continues today, but how does that relate to your passage? 2) On page 2, you say: "The metaphor personifies Cheryl’s feeling that she was close to finding meaning in the words of the poems, although the only tools she had to do this were the bare minimum, but whenever she reached in to find the answers, she failed to find what she is searching for." You're getting to the real "meat" of the metaphor here. However, this is a run-on sentence -- it should be broken up into two or more separate sentences. It would be good to break after the "bare minimum." Moreover, the word "personify" is not exactly what you want because the metaphor is not introducing a person who represents a quality or an idea (that's the primary meaning of "personify"). I can see choosing a better word here might have been difficult, though, because of the way you wanted to put this sentence. Something like: "The metaphor illustrates Cheryl's feeling ... " would work, I think. 3) I don't think the last three sentences of your concluding paragraph add very much because they all touch on things you said before. Sometimes saying things in shorter and more direct ways is much better than "filling out" a paragraph. Content/Evidence -- A Structure/Mechanics -- A-