Callan, Your "lighter" paper on Hamlet is mostly very good! You have caught the spirit of the assignment perfectly. The following comments are keyed to specific passages from your text, quoted to start: "suspicions has been rising to the surface" -- One might hope even would have better proofreading ;) "Given private time to you, ... " since this is addressed directly to Ophelia, to use the direct quote, it would be better to change you to [her] (in brackets like that to indicate the change), or else to make this a report of a conversation overheard by someone else, not something Polonius relays directly himself. "Well you should because our sources can attest." Usually you attest to something. Say "... our sources can attest to their existence" or something like that. "He asked the troupe" -- better to use "asks" to keep tenses consistent with the rest of the paragraph. You only mention that Horatio was also a source at the very end. So it would have been good to think about who your source of information would be for things like the scene of Hamlet coming close to killing Claudius while he was praying (Act 3, scene 3). Was Polonius skulking about to overhear that? If so, how did he manage to get this tidbit to your reporter before he was killed in the next scene? Content -- A Structure/Mechanics -- A-