Frank Sommers -- Curious Case of Life In thinking about the Mark Twain quotation that was part of the prompt for this assignment, I think it's necessary to recall that Twain was first and foremost a "humorist" and a satirist -- his first goal in almost everything he said and wrote was *to make people laugh* (at others and at themselves) and then to get them to think about how silly a lot of their preconceptions and actions are. So it seems to me that his idea that aging in reverse would lead to an "infinitely happier life" is not a serious proposal. It's a way to get us to laugh about the indignities of aging. He wants us to think about whether being young is really any better than being old and whether life really would be any better "in reverse." So I think you are taking Twain's statement a bit too seriously for the way he meant it. But even with that, your essay on the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" has some very good points. You do a good job of pointing out ways that it's pretty clear that the film-makers think Benjamin's story essentially shows that what Twain is saying is not true at all on the literal level. (And in fact, the Fitzgerald story on which the movie was loosely based is even more clearly a sort of "thought experiment" designed to refute Twain's literal claim.) It's good that you also clearly see that the main issue for Benjamin is not only that he is aging "in reverse." It's that he is an single individual living "in reverse" in a world of people aging in the normal direction. So he faces obstacles you discuss and many others too at almost every step of the way. Even though he has many of the same physical-age-appropriate experiences as other people, his physical appearance and condition are always out of step with his mental age *from the point of view of those other people*. So it's not just the direction of aging by itself that is the really important point. It's how that direction of aging makes you in step or out of step with everyone around you that really matters for how things play out in this story. The writing is generally very good. I don't think the choice you made of introducing a completely different question in the final paragraph was that effective (even though it's interesting to see that you reconsidered part of the movie after our discussions). It would have been better to use that for an overall conclusion to tie together the different points you made earlier or possibly to relate those points to the CHQ theme. Content -- A- Structure/Mechanics -- A-