Frank, Your revised draft is much better from the writing standpoint. However, I still do not think you have really made the case that Odysseus has become a humbler person by the end of the story. The case for his being more patient is somewhat better in the episodes you describe at the end. But even there, you have not really gone into anything like the detail you use in the earlier sections of the paper to describe Odysseus's cunning and rashness and you don't show by examples or quotations from the text how he's different in the way he acts or in the way he treats other people. So you are in effect just saying that because he has adopted the dress of a beggar when he comes back to his home he must be more humble. But as I asked you on the first draft (I think), couldn't that also just be an instance of his being clever to get an advantage over the suitors. To say it is not, you need to find some evidence that shows that, and you have not done that. Content/Evidence B Structure/Mechanics A-