Paolo, As I said on the first draft, your paper on the Odyssey has a clear thesis and you have some good ideas. You have found more good evidence to support what you are saying this time. So that aspect is improved. I still think there are some pieces of evidence you could have taken into account to make your "case" even stronger. If you want to say Odysseus is basically unchanged by his journey, one pair of passages that really make that point very clearly (at least as regards his rash, warlike, and violent side) are the raid on the city of the Cicones right after his fleet leaves Troy, paired with the episode right at the end of Book 24, where Athena basically has to restrain Odysseus from slaughtering the relatives of the suitors he slaughtered before. That would have been a good additional piece of evidence for your "lack of remorse" claim about Odysseus's character. You corrected all the small slips I commented on before. The remaining comments I have are mostly minor ones but there are quite a few places that could still use corrections or polishing. For instance, the word choice "unhindered" at the end of the first paragraph does not really fit. I think you mean something more like "unchanged." (Look up "unhindered" in a dictionary to see what I mean.) In the second paragraph on page 1, "The most notable being his ability to come up with profoundly detailed lies." is not a complete sentence. I know some writers do this sort of thing for emphasis, and it's certainly OK in spoken English. But I would say to avoid it, if possible, in writing. On page 2, your sentence "This mistake ultimately lead to their death as Zeus sunk the ship, and made Odysseus’ journey home that much more difficult" has a problem: "sunk" should be "sank." In the first full paragraph on page 2 the "Hyperion the Sun" is not correct. That is not the name of the island where the cattle of Helios (the Sun) are kept. In the paragraph at the top of page 3, the last "Sirens" should not have an apostrophe -- it is not a possessive. Your writing is generally good, but there are some small things we will need to work on. Content/Evidence B+ Structure/Mechanics B+