Mary, Your revised paper addresses some of the points I brought up in the comments on the first draft. The remaining issues I see are mostly about tightening up your writing and making sentences and paragraphs flow better. For instance, let's look sentence by sentence at the last part of your conclusion: "If Odysseus been around, Telemachus may not have felt as much need to become brave and independent because he had his father to depend on or perhaps felt overshadowed and incapable of living up to his father’s image." This is a run-on sentence as it stands and you are saying several things here. Dividing into two sentences helps: "If Odysseus had been around, Telemachus may not have felt as much need to become brave and independent because he would have had his father to depend on. He might also perhaps have felt overshadowed and incapable of living up to his father’s image." The next sentence "The tale of this epic also presents the idea that some people are who they are and will not change." is not really correct because Homer never comes out and says that explicitly (to "present" the idea, he would have to say it directly). What you really mean is something more like: "This tale also suggests the idea that some people are who they are and do not change." The next sentence: "Maybe instead of us, as humans, being the sum of all our experiences we are simply born who we are." is awkward because of the "us, as humans." It's also pretty much repeating the previous sentence. The best thing would be to delete it. If you kept it, the following would be a better way to say it: "Instead of being the sum of all our experiences, it may be that we humans are simply born who we are." Finally, in "Odysseus may have simply been born a leader and along with that came the self-centeredness and craft endowed in this epic poem." I'm not sure that "self-centeredness" is the whole story; I think it's more about pride in his abilities and his desire to win fame. Also, "endowed" does not really work here because there would have to be a subject for that. In other words, who gave Odysseus these characteristics ("endowed" him with those characteristics)? Content/Evidence A- Structure/Mechanics A-