Audrey, I like your revision very much because you have reconsidered your original thesis and come to one that is, I think much closer to the way the story actually "works." It is also nuanced enough to admit the possibility that Odysseus changes in some ways but not in others. The comparison between Odysseus and Oedipus is an interesting one, but how does Odysseus show a "daunting disregard for authority?" You haven't presented any evidence for that particular claim and I'm not really sure it applies because, apart from the gods, I'm not sure there's really anyone you could say has authority over Odysseus. And when it comes to the gods, I don't think Odysseus ever really sets himself up in opposition to them. The only other comment I have on this version is that there are some places where you use borderline cliches or over-emotional phrases that could be toned down while retaining or even increasing their impact. For instance the "cataclysmic downfall" and "gaping dichotomy" in the first paragraph or the "heart-wrenching" voyage in the concluding paragraph are a little "over the top" for this kind of writing. Content/Evidence A- Structure/Mechanics A-