Isabel, This is a very good improvement over the first version. The focus now clearly shows how Odyssesus is a 3-dimensional character, and that is what makes him such a compelling character, I think -- he's a recognizably human, flawed person. He's "god-like," supremely cunning, and very proud of himself. But he can also get carried away by that pride. And he really does have deep feelings that I think we have to admit are real and true, even if he doesn't change in the ways we might think he should, or that we expect him to. One point, though--your last sentence: "From least significant to most, he solidifies the clever, rash, proud King of Ithaca that he was when he left for Troy a long 20 years prior" is not very clear. First, I'm not sure what the "from least significant to most" is referring to. Do you mean from the least significant parts of his character to the most significant parts? Or was it something else? Also, the choice of "solidifies" kind of undercuts what you are trying to say because that implies a sort of change. I think something simpler like "remains" or even "stays" is more like what you want. Finally the "prior" should probably be something like "before" or earlier. I think "prior" is always used in phrases like "prior to" something. Content/Evidence A Structure/Mechanics A-