Detailed Schedule -- Mathematics Through Time

MATH 110 -- Fall 2013, Prof. Little

This is a tentative, evolving schedule. Topics may be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and here. Note: In the readings below, B = Bunt, Jones, and Bedient The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics, J = Joseph, The Crest of the Peacock, K = Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, v. 1.

Date Class Topic Readings
8/28 Course Introduction
8/30 Mathematics awakening J, Chapter 2
9/2 Number systems from around the world J Chapter 2
9/4 Overview of Egyptian history; Egyptian arithmetic from the Rhind papyrus B Chapter 1, J Chapter 3
9/6 Egyptian fractions B Chapter 1, J Chapter 3
9/9 Egyptian geometry, overall evaluation K Chapter 2
9/11 Overview of Babylonian history; the Babylonian number system B Chapter 2, J Chapter 4
9/13 A Babylonian numerical table -- Problem Set 1 due B Chapter 2, J Chapter 4
9/16 The problem tablet YBC 6967 B Chapter 2, J Chapter 4
9/18 Tablet YBC 7289 and Babylonian geometry/algebra B Chapter 2, J Chapter 4
9/20 Tablet Plimpton 322 and its interpretation B Chapter 2, J Chapter 4
9/23 More on Plimpton 322; summary of Babylonian mathematics K Chapter 1
9/25 Overview of Greek history; early Greek mathematics B Chapter 3
9/27 Thales and Pythagoras -- Problem Set 2 due B Chapter 3
9/30 Greek mathematics and philosophy B Chapter 5
10/2 The concept of mathematical proof -- where does it come from? B Chapter 5
10/4 Spare day -- Problem Set 3 due
10/7 Euclid's Elements I, 1 - 8 B Chapter 6
10/9 Euclid's Elements I, 9 - 16 B Chapter 6
10/11 Euclid's Elements I, 17 - 24 B Chapter 6
10/14,16,18 Fall Break -- no class
10/21 Euclid's Elements I, 25 - 32 B Chapter 6
10/23 Euclid's Elements I, 33 - 40 B Chapter 6
10/25 Midterm Exam
10/28 Euclid's Elements I, 41 - 48 B Chapter 6
10/30 The Greeks after Euclid -- Archimedes and Apollonius B Chapter 7
11/1 Later Alexandrian mathematics -- Ptolemy, Proclus, Hypatia -- Problem Set 4 due K Chapter 8
11/4 Mathematics 500-1500 CE; who writes the history? K Chapter 9, J Chapter 1
11/6 ``Eurocentric'' history? J Chapter 1
11/8 The Islamic contribution reconsidered J Chapter 11
11/11 More on Islamic mathematics J Chapter 11
11/13 Mathematics in Renaissance Europe K Chapter 13
11/15 Arithmetic and Algebra in the 16th and 17th centuries CE -- Problem Set 5 due K Chapter 13
11/18 Mathematics and Perspective in Renaissance Art TBD on course homepage
11/20 New geometries -- Desargues' projective geometry K Chapter 14
11/22 New geometries -- Descartes' coordinate geometry -- Research Paper due K Chapter 15
11/25 Non-Euclidean Geometries -- the history TBD on course homepage
11/27,29 Thanksgiving Break -- no class
12/2 What does non-Euclidean geometry look like? TBD on course homepage
12/4 Implications of non-Euclidean geometry TBD on course homepage
12/6 Course wrap-up

The Final Exam for this course will given 11:30 - 2:00pm on Thursday, December 12, 2013.

Last modified: October 8, 2013