Logan Milliken, Connor Degenhardt, Joe Lang Use of SIR Models in Epidemics The title sounds a bit strange here because the SIR models are not being used to produce epidemics(!) Maybe "... in the Study of Epidemics and Methods for Their Control." Your project paper on SIR models and applications is reasonably good, but I think your oral presentation was stronger. You have an OK conclusion as well, rather than just sort of "petering out" without tying together the points you have made. I know it can be hard to manage things like this when you are "writing by committee." Making sure you are communicating and coordinating your efforts is an important part of working in a team and that aspect of the paper was pretty successful. The major criticism I have is that the paper is somewhat skimpy. It would have been good to include some more examples and a more explicit discussion of how quarantines could be modeled to illustrate the models you are discussing and to show more concretely what the effects of vaccination and/or quarantine measures would be. In particular, the questions of how many people must be vaccinated to control an outbreak are interesting and they could have been attacked with some of the same tools used in the discussion from the text on page 148 (the basic reproduction number). Your first reference in the Works Cited does not have a title. Some specific comments (1) Page 2: We have not yet developed effective vaccines for all diseases and there also needs to be a functioning public health infrastructure in place to administer the vaccine and monitor progress of the disease and the countermeasures. (2) Page 3: You're presenting a continuous-time SIR model because the left sides of your equations (dS/dt, dI/dt, dR/dt) are time derivatives. This is different from the discrete-time difference equation models we looked at in class. Where you have dS/dt, for instance, we had S(n+1) - S(n), and your value of is different from what ours represented. What you have is OK, but be sure you understand the difference. It would also have been good to point out that there is a difference. (2) Page 4: I think there's an issue with your SIR vaccination model. With the -c term in the equation for dS/dt, you're essentially vaccinating a fixed number of people in each unit time period. Of course, that cannot go on forever because eventually you will have vaccinated everyone and the model becomes unrealistic. I think you actually mean something like dS/dt = -aSI - cS, with 0 < c < 1, where you remove some fixed proportion of the susceptible population in each unit period of time. The last equation in the system also needs to have a plus sign on the term in the equation representing the additions to the removed group: dR/dt = bI + cS It would have been really good to present a numerical example showing what you need to do to prevent an outbreak from turning into an epidemic. (3) Page 5: What is the "threshold parameter" that you are discussing here? I think it's a version of the basic reproduction number treated in the textbook, but you need to say more and say how it relates to c, the vaccination rate. (4) Page 6: You are right that public health responses are not usually designed to eradicate a disease completely. The reason is that that is an expensive and difficult thing to do in many cases. It is usually considered to be sufficient to take health care measures so that disease outbreaks are controlled and "die out" on their own. Only a very few diseases have been successfully eradicated. (5) Page 7: What does an SIQR model look like? How are the quarantined individuals built into the model equations? Also, avoid using technical terms MSRA or SIQR unless you define them fully. Grade: 90 (A-)