Christian Boire, Andrew Sisitzky, Genevieve Gibbons, Angel Chavez Growth Models Your project paper on the basic ideas of "the systems perspective" is reasonably good, but I think your oral presentation was stronger. You have an OK conclusion as well, rather than just sort of "petering out" without tying together the points you have made. I know it can be hard to manage things like this when you are "writing by committee." Making sure you are communicating and coordinating your efforts is an important part of working in a team and that aspect of the paper was pretty successful. However, the major criticism I have is that you have not done a good job of identifying the sources of the individual pieces of information you present. You have the required list of references at the end, but you didn't cite those sources in foot- or endnotes to document where you were taking the information from. That is also required for this sort of writing and it's the major thing I am marking you down for. Specific comments: (1) Page 1: "Malthusian" population models are synonymous with exponential models. It's not clear that's true from what you are saying. (2) Page 2: Don't understand what you meant by "simplifies the predicted rate of growth or decay." (3) Page 3: Exponential models are "very inaccurate" if they are used indiscriminately. However, they can also be fine over short time spans, in situations where the basic assumptions are met (in particular where there are sufficient resources to allow growth at the start). So your comments are essentially overstated here. (4) Pages 4-6: There is a technical point about the way you are comparing the logistic and Gompertz models that requires more explanation. Namely, the version of the logistic model that you are discussing is a discrete-time model described by a difference equation. The Gompertz model presented on the next page is a continuous-time model (i.e. a function of a real variable t) whose value represents the population size at time t. The difference is the same as the difference between giving the exponential difference equation Q(n+1) = aQ(n) and the exponential function Q(t) = Q(0) a^t. This is not explained very well, and the discussion of the Gompertz and related models is pretty skimpy. Some graphs (for particular values of A, k_G, T_i) would have been a good addition. It's not immediately clear from the formulas that these models give populations that evolve similarly to the ones from logistic models. You also don't really explain why biologists look at different models beyond the logistic models. If you look at Exercise 14 on page 136 in the course textbook, you'll see one particular possible criticism of the logistic models and that is one reason to look beyond to something different. (5) Page 6: The "matrix models" you are mentioning are discussed (but not using that name or the matrix infrastructure) in Chapter 8 of the course textbook. I called them population models with stratification by age group. See in particular Example 8.2 on pages 142-143 of the textbook. (6) Page 7: Do you know what "dampen the value for this group in the matrix" means? If not, it's best to avoid getting that technical. (7) Pages 8 and 9: Organization in this section is not optimal. I think the discussion of the "Malthusian model" should probably come before the discussion of its shortcomings. (8) Page 10: The formula for the exponential model for the bee colonies is not correct. See the comment on the hardcopy for the correct formula. Remember that the a in the exponential function is given by a = (1 + r/100) if r is the percent growth/decay rate per unit time. Grade: 88 (B+)