Mathematics 131 -- Calculus for Physical and Life Sciences 1

Lab 2: Geometry of Derivatives

October 4, 2004


Today, we will again be using Maple to draw graphs of functions of one variable (given by symbolic formulas) and their derivatives. On the mathematical side, we will study the relation between functions and their derivative functions.

Recall that we have introduced the derivative function f'(x) for a function f(x). In Maple, the derivative function of f is written D(f). (In case you're wondering, Maple ``knows'' shortcut rules for computing derivatives that we will also begin to study in class later this week!)

Lab Questions


The lab write-up (a paper print-out of your worksheet, including all graphs and explanations in text regions) is due on Wednesday, October 13 (after Columbus Day break). Resize all of your plots smaller than the default size to conserve paper when you print out your work.