MATH 132 -- Lab Day 2


March 22, 2005

A)  The catenary-shaped cables

>    fcat:=x->(exp(a*x)+exp(-a*x))/2 - 1;

fcat := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/2*exp(a*x)+1/2*exp(-a*x)-1 end proc

>    eq:=fcat(640)=143;

eq := 1/2*exp(640*a)+1/2*exp(-640*a)-1 = 143

>    subs(a=2,fcat(x));


>    aval:=fsolve(eq,a=1);

aval := .8848356912e-2

>    plot(subs(a=aval,fcat(x)),x=-640..640);

[Maple Plot]

>    fcats:=subs(a=aval,fcat);

fcats := fcat

>    evalf(Int(sqrt(1+diff(fcats,x)^2),x=-640..640));


B)  Parabolic cables.  First, we find a value for   k    in the parabolic form   y = k x^2

     to make   y = 143 (meters above low point), when x = 640:  

>    kcold:=evalf(143/(640)^2);

kcold := .3491210938e-3

>    plot(kcold*x^2,x=-640..640);

[Maple Plot]

C)  The parabolic cable length

>    cold:=evalf(Int(sqrt(1+diff(kcold*x^2,x)^2),x=-640..640));

cold := 1321.409032

D) Check using the Pythagorean theorem:

>    evalf(2*sqrt(640^2+143^2));


This is reasonable, since we expect the length of the curved parabolic cables to

be close to, but slightly larger than, the length of the straight line segments.

E)  The ``hot'' cables.  The rationale for the following computations is this:  When hot,

      the cables will still be parabolic in shape.  So we again take the equation   y = k x^2

      but with a different   k   from before.   Note:  this means we are shifting the

       cables up from their actual position, to place the low point at  y = 0 again.

      We know the length of the hot cables is  1.0005 times the cold length, so

      we set up the equation:

>    eqn:=int(sqrt(1+diff(k*x^2,x)^2),x=-640..640) = 1.0005*cold;

eqn := -1/4*1/Pi^(1/2)/(k^2)^(1/2)*(-3276800*Pi^(1/2)*k^2+(-18*ln(2)-1-2*ln(5)-ln(k^2))*Pi^(1/2)-409600*Pi^(1/2)*k^2*(-1/(409600*k^2)-8)-3276800*Pi^(1/2)*k^2*(1+1/(1638400*k^2))^(1/2)-2*Pi^(1/2)*ln(1/2...
eqn := -1/4*1/Pi^(1/2)/(k^2)^(1/2)*(-3276800*Pi^(1/2)*k^2+(-18*ln(2)-1-2*ln(5)-ln(k^2))*Pi^(1/2)-409600*Pi^(1/2)*k^2*(-1/(409600*k^2)-8)-3276800*Pi^(1/2)*k^2*(1+1/(1638400*k^2))^(1/2)-2*Pi^(1/2)*ln(1/2...

and solve it to find the value of   k   for the hot cables:

>    khot:=fsolve(eqn,k=kcold);

khot := .3519731010e-3

>    hot:=evalf(Int(sqrt(1+diff(khot*x^2,x)^2),x=-640..640));

hot := 1322.069737

(This checks that we get the correct arc length.)  Now, the ``sag'' for the hot

cables is the vertical distance between the point at the top  (with   x = 640 )  and

the bottom   (x = y = 0):

>    newsag:=khot*640^2;

newsag := 144.1681822

This is just over 1 meter larger than the sag when the cables are cold (143 m).  This is probably

not noticeable for cars traveling over the bridge.