Detailed Schedule -- Linear Algebra, Section 1

Spring 2007, Prof. Little

As always, topics may be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and here.

DateClass Topic Reading (Lay)
1/17Course introduction, systems of linear equations 1.1
1/19Row reduction and echelon form 1.2
1/22Linear combinations and spans 1.3
1/24The matrix equation Ax = b, solution sets 1.4-1.5
1/26Definitions quiz 1, Linear independence 1.7
1/29More on linear independence, Linear transformations 1.8
1/31Linear transformations and matrices 1.9
2/2Definitions quiz 2, Matrix operations and inverses 2.1-2.2
2/5Characterizations of invertible matrices 2.3
2/7Application: Leontief input-output models 2.6
2/9Definitions quiz 3, More on Leontief models 2.6
2/12Subspaces of Rn and bases 2.8
2/14Dimension and rank 2.9
2/16Exam 1 Chapter 1, Chapter 2 through 2.6
2/19Determinants 3.1
2/21Properties of determinants 3.2
2/23Definitions quiz 4, Cramer's Rule 3.3
2/26Determinants and volume 3.3
2/28General vector spaces 4.1
3/2Definitions quiz 5, kernel and image 4.2
3/5,7,9 No Class -- Spring Break 4.3
3/12Linear independence and bases in general 4.3
3/14Coordinates 4.4
3/16Definitions quiz 6, Dimension in general 4.5
3/19Rank, again 4.6
3/21Change of basis matrices 4.7
3/23Exam 2 Chapters 3 and 4 to section 4.5
3/26Change of basis for linear transformations 4.7
3/28Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.1
3/30Definitions quiz 7, The characteristic equation 5.2
4/2 Diagonalization 5.3
4/4 Eigenvalues and linear transformations 5.4
4/6,9No Class -- Easter Break 5.5
4/11Application: discrete dynamical systems and Markov chains 5.5-5.6
4/13Definitions quiz 8, More on Markov chains 5.5-5.6
4/16Inner product spaces 6.7
4/18More on inner product spaces 6.7
4/20Definitions quiz 9, Spectral Theorem 7.1
4/23More on the Spectral Theorem 7.1
4/25Spare Day 7.1
4/27 Exam 3
4/30 Course wrap-up

The final exam for this course will be given at 8:30 am on Thursday, May 10, 2007.

Last modified: January 2, 2007