Mathematics 134 -- Intensive Calculus for Science 2

Discussion 3: Working with PDFs and CDFs

March 20, 2002


Over the past days, we have introduced the ideas of probability density functions (pdf's) and their cumulative distribution functions (cdf's). A pdf p(x) must satisfy p(x) >= 0 for all x, and the total area between its graph and the x-axis must equal 1. For a random variable x with pdf p(x), the integral of p(x) from x = a to x = b gives the probability that a <= x <= b. The cumulative distribution function is an antiderivative P(t) of p(x). The value P(t) gives the probability that x <= t. Today, we want to practice using these ideas.

Discussion Questions


Solutions will be due in class, Wednesday, April 3. One set of solutions per group as usual.