Mathematics 134 -- Intensive Calculus for Science 2

March 20, 2002

Announcement on Academic Honesty With Regard to Problem Sets

The educational enterprise we are involved in in this class, and in this College more generally, requires a high level of personal responsibility. You should think of your signature on an assignment as a pledge that you have abided by whatever ground rules were set for that assignment, and that the work contained therein is entirely yours.

Actions that may seem relatively harmless, or that you may be tempted to resort to because of time pressure, etc., including:

subvert this educational enterprise by representing another person's work as yours. These are serious forms of academic dishonesty -- similar to cheating on an exam, or plagiarizing a paper. For this reason they will not be tolerated.

Since this may not have been clear to you before this time, I will not exact any penalties for the infractions that I have discovered to this point.

But everyone should be warned: In the case that I have reason to believe that anyone has either copied a solution from the manual or from another student's paper from this point (March 20) on, I will proceed as per the College's Policy on Academic Honesty. If you are not familiar with this policy, you may wish to review page 13 of the College Catalog or page 32 of the Student Handbook for a full statement. In particular, the procedures for contesting an accusation of academic dishonesty if you believe that the accusation is not correct are laid out there.

After consultation with the parties involved, the Department Chair, and the Class Dean, if it is determined that one of these offenses occurred, all parties involved will receive a zero on the assignment in question and I will place a letter into the permanent files of the parties involved detailing the offence. (The same will be done for any instance of cheating on exams.) This is a serious matter -- receipt of two of these letters results in automatic dismissal from the College. I sincerely hope I do not have to invoke this policy.