Mathematics 133 -- Intensive Calculus for Science 1

Plan for September 12, 13, and 14, 2001

How do you carry on after tragedies like those of the past few days? As Fr. McFarland has said to the College community, ``There is little most of us can do in the short run to affect events on the larger stage'', but ``it is important to [stay] connected and involved, while providing the help and support everyone needs.'' For this reason, I think it will be best if we meet at the regular times, and try to move forward with at least part of the mathematics that we had planned to cover this week, while keeping some flexibility about assignments, etc.

On the quiz, there will be two or three questions similar to problems from section 1.3, but section 1.4 will not be covered. You should know the following material.

  1. Obtaining new functions (and graphs) by
    1. Vertical shifts: y = f(x) + c (shifts up if c > 0 and down if c < 0)
    2. Horizontal shifts: y = f(x + c) (shifts left if c > 0 and right if c < 0)
    3. Vertical stretching or shrinking: y = cf(x) (stretches if |c| > 1, shrinks if |c| < 1, plus a ``flip'' across the x-axis if c < 0)
    4. Horizontal stretching or shrinking: y = f(cx) (shrinks if |c| > 1, stretches if |c| < 1, plus a ``flip'' across the y-axis if c < 0)
  2. compositions f(g(x)) and g(f(x))
  3. inverse functions, and the ``horizontal line test'' for when a function has an inverse function

Good Review Problems:

  1. Chapter 1, section 3: 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,20,25,27,33