MATH 133 -- Problem Set 6 grading instructions: Section 3.2/4,8,18,22,38; Section 3.3/6,10,14,18,22,32,50; Section 3.4/2,6,10,14,20,26,34,41,66,81 Section 3.2: 4,8,18,22 -- 4 points each (on 22, either rewriting e^(1+x) = e e^x or using chain rule is OK) 38 -- 6 points -- 2 for value of f(0), 1 for explanation, similar for f'(0) Section 3.3: 6,10,14,18,22 -- 4 points each (On these, and the similar problems in the next section, give 2 points part credit for the correct rule, but take off 1 or 2 if the answer is not correct, depending on severity of errors) 32 -- 6 points (2 points each part; on part b, anything like "f'(2) doesn't exist so quotient rule formula undefined" is OK) 50 -- 6 points (2 each part) Section 3.4: 2,6,10,14,20,26 -- 4 points each 34 -- 6 points (2 for initial chain rule, then 4 for quotient rule on the "inside function") 41 -- 4 points 66 -- 4 points (2 each part) 81 -- 8 points total -- 4 for a, 2 for b, 2 for c Total: 100 points