MATH 133 -- Problem Set 3 grading instructions: 1.5/13 -- 4 points (1 for a,b, 2 for c) 15 -- 2 points (1 for amplitude, 1 for period) 20 -- 4 points (4 points, 1 for cos, 1 for A = 5, 1 for B=1/3, 1 for C = 0 in general formula) 26 -- 4 points (grade like 20) 37 -- 4 points (2 for coordinates of pair of points, 2 for slope; if they only say 2/pi or -2/pi, point out that both cases are possible) 44 -- 4 points (grade like 20) 46 -- 4 points (2 for x = h/tan(theta) as in solution, 2 for area of trapezoid cross-section -- OK if they split into rectangle and two triangles, or if they use area formula for trapezoid) 1.6/5 -- 10 points (1 for a,b for each of the 5 graphs) 8 -- 4 points (should say something like y = k(x+3)x(x-4) for k < 0; 3 for intercepts at roots, 1 for k) 10 -- 4 points (3 for roots, including double root at x = 2: k(x+2)(x-2)^2(x-5), 1 for k < 0) 11 -- 8 points (2 for each graph) 14 -- 10 points (2 for each part take off 1 if they have some correct some wrong on any one part) 22 -- 6 points (one for each part of a; 3 for b) 23 -- 6 points (1 each for correct identifications, 1 for reason -- don't give full credit without some justification given) 29 -- 4 points (1 for each of a,b,c,d) Total = 78 points