MATH 133 -- Problem Set 1 grading instructions: 1.1/2 -- 1 point (for credit, answer must give meaning in terms of PCB levels and egg thickness -- just saying "value of function at x = 200" is not enough) 6 -- 2 points (1 for correct slope, one for correct use of point-slope form or determination of the y-intercept) 7 -- 2 points (1 for slope, 1 for intercept) 10 -- 6 points (1 for each line-equation pair) 13 -- 2 points (1 for each line) 16 -- 2 points (1 for domain, 1 for range) 18 -- 2 points (1 for domain, 1 for range) 31 -- 4 points (1 for each part; if they just say -40 with no explanation, take off 1 point and say use previous part and show how) 34 -- 3 points (1 for each part. Anything like "slopes are constant", or "increasing at a constant rate" is OK for part a) 1.2/6 -- 4 points (1 for graph, 1 for equation in each part) 11 -- 4 points (1 for each part) 16 -- 1 points (2 for each graph. On a, if concavities aren't exactly as in solution, don't take off points but indicate correct shape. If they show a curve going up to a maximum then decreasing, take off 1 point and add comment that revenue doesn't take into account the cost of advertising, just the money from sales of the product.) 18 -- 2 points (1 for correct constant "P0" and 1 for correct a) 20 -- 2 points (1 for correct constant "P0" and 1 for correct a) If they leave this one blank say: See Example 4 on previous page.) 24 -- 2 points (1 for P = P0a^t form, 1 for "decay") 28 -- 4 points (2 for any correct formula for air pressure at general height, 1 for value of air pressue at height of Mexico City, 1 for answer to question as phrased. Note: You may get solutions using Pe^(kt) form, logarithms etc. even though we haven't done that yet in class. Any correct method is OK) 30 -- 4 points (2 for each part. See comment on previous problem. You may get answers like Q = Q0 e^(kt) for a with k = -ln(2)/1620. OK even though we haven't done ln yet.) 36 -- 4 points (2 for each part)