MATH 134 -- Intensive Calculus For Science 2

March 14 -- Histograms to probability densities

This is our class's height histogram (graph representing

the distribution of heights of the 23 students in class on Monday,

March 13).

The variable h  is height (in inches), the vertical axis is the fraction of the class having

that height.

plotting commands

>    with(plots):

>    heighthist:=piecewise(h<=59,0,h<=60,1/23,h<=61,0,h<=62,2/23,h<=63,3/23,h<=64,1/23,h<=65,2/23,h<=66,4/23,h<=67,0,h<68,3/23,h<=69,2/23,h<=70,1/23,h<=71,2/23,h<=72,1/23,h<=76,0,h<=77,1/23,0):

>    hplot:=plot(heighthist,h=58..80,filled=true):

>    gplot:=plot(heighthist,h=58..80,color=black):

>    lplot:=plot({[60,t,t=0..1/23],[61,t,t=0..2/23],[62,t,t=0..3/23],[63,t,t=0..3/23],[64,t,t=0..2/23],[65,t,t=0..4/23],[66,t,t=0..4/23],[68,t,t=0..3/23],[69,t,t=0..2/23],[70,t,t=0..2/23],[71,t,t=0..1/23],[77,t,t=0..1/23]},color=black):

>    display({gplot,hplot,lplot});

[Maple Plot]


So for example, by considering areas, from this we can see that

     *    4/23  = .174  of the class have heights   70 < h

     *    9/23 = .391 of the class have heights   65 < h  and h <= 69

     *    If a person was selected at random from the class, there would be a

           probability of 6/23 = .261 (or 26.1%), that the person had height

           64 < h  and h <= 66