MATH 134 Problem Set 3 Grading Instructions Section 6.4/ 4 -- 4 points (2 for always increasing, 2 for correct concavities) 12 -- 4 points 16 -- 2 points 18 -- 2 points (-1 if they forget the sign from switch of limits) 21 -- 8 points (2 each part) Section 7.1 ("u-substitution" problems)/ 2 -- 6 points (2 for a, 4 for b, but don't take off if they only answer the ``general'' i.e with + C) 6,10,12,18,20,24,28,33,38 -- 2 points each (1 for correct u, 1 for integral) 55,60 -- 3 points each (like 6, etc, but now one more point for value using FTC) 83 -- 6 points (2 each part; anything like ``they differ by a constant'' is OK for c) 89 -- 4 points Total: 60 points