Blake, Your paper and presentation on Archimedes' "Quadrature of the Parabola" both contain a lot of good work. It was very good that you worked out and included the modern proofs for the preliminary propositions. As we discussed, Proposition 3 is perhaps the most interesting one there since Archimedes seems to be getting very close to the Cartesian equation y = x^2 for the parabola. But after that point the paper is almost entirely a more or less exact reproduction of the contents of that piece of ancient mathematics, following the edition and translation published by T.L. Heath. There would have been room for some more original discussion about the ways this work was a precursor of later ideas in integral calculus. I also think it would have been instructive to actually work out the geometric series involved in the second proof more explicitly. I was trying to get you to do this with my question at your presentation. But I don't think you really understood what I was getting at then. In modern language, if A is the area of the triangle formed by the endpoints of the parabolic segment and the vertex of the segment, what Archimedes is doing in that proof amounts to summing: A + A/4 + A/4^2 + A/4^3 + ... to get the area of the parabolic segment. Using the formula for the sum of a geometric series (with ratio r = 1/4 < 1, so the series converges), = A/(1 - 1/4) = 4A/3. To be more precise, Archimedes' proof amounts to giving a formula for the difference between a partial sum of this series and the sum of the whole series and he shows (in modern language) that that difference goes to zero as you fill in the region between the triangle and the parabola with more and more smaller triangles. I'll "cut you some slack," though, since you were working alone on one of the more ambitious projects. It was clear you really wanted to understand exactly what Archimedes had done and the paper generally shows a good level of detailed explanation about the steps in the various proofs. A very small typographical point: I don't know if this is a consistent issue, but in looking at your paper in Google Docs, the square symbols marking the ends of proofs usually end up on a line after the last line of text in the proof. It would be more usual to put them at the end of the last line of the proof itself so that they don't end up taking up so much space. Specific comments: Page 8: In the proof for Propositions 6 and 7, it would have been good to say more about the exact location of the centroid for a triangle and to relate that to the fact that appeared on the midterm exam for our course: The centroid of a triangle is at the intersection of the medians of the triangle, and each median cuts the others into line segments with lengths in the ratio 1:2. Pages 11 and 12: I think the way Heath lays out his equivalent of Propositions 14 and 15 on the page confused you a bit. The statement you have on page 11 in italics is really something like a preliminary discussion. The actual statements that are being proved here are the inequalities (1) and (2) on the next page. Page 14: Archimedes' proof of Proposition 16 is one of the "method of exhaustion" proofs that Brady Parsons discussed in his presentation. See above for a more detailed presentation of the way we would express it using geometric series. Page 23: Archimedes goes even farther to explain the "mechanical" method in the "Method of Mechanical Theorems" from George and Matt's presentation. He gives yet another proof of the area formula for the parabolic segment there. The third proof is closely related to the first proof you discuss, but it's different because he talks about dividing the parabolic segment into lines (trapezoids with zero width) and balancing the whole collection of those against a big triangle like the one in Proposition 16. This is even closer to modern integral calculus of course, where we take limits of Riemann sums to get an integral. It's possible to think about the limit process yielding the integral as summing up infinitely many rectangles or trapezoids of width zero. Final Project: Annotated Bibliography -- 10/10 Presentation -- 33/35 Paper -- 50/55 Total -- 93/100 (letter: A-)