Umberto and Kelly, Your paper on Christopher Clavius is a very good (and well-written) historical survey of what we know about his life, as well as his mathematical and educational contributions. You have identified an interesting and varied collection of sources and you have absorbed the information they present very well. The only critical comment I have is that I think it would have been good to go into more detail about the attempted proof of the parallel postulate in the paper (more like what you did in the presentation). However, the presentation was also a little rushed so that might have been improved a bit too. About one of the points, for instance, Theorem 3.4 in McCleary's book clearly explains why assuming that the equidistant curve to a line is also a line is equivalent to Postulate V, so it would have been good to discuss that point in more detail. Specific comments: Page 3: The issue with the Julian calendar (one leap year every four years) was that it was set up to work perfectly if the year was 365.25 days long on average. But the actual length of the year is slightly shorter (more like 365.2425 days). So over a period of 15 or 16 centuries the discrepancy built up to the point that the seasons were out of whack with the calendar by about 10 or 11 days). The Gregorian calendar is set up so that years divisible by 100 but not by 400 are not leap years. The Gregorian system would be perfect if the year was exactly 365.2425 days long. But of course, that's not quite true either, and the rotation of the earth is slowing down slightly, too. So there will need to be additional adjustments from time to time. The Gregorian calendar was originally adopted only in Catholic countries. In the British empire, including the colonies that later became the US, it was not adopted until 1752, by which time the Julian calendar was almost two weeks out of whack with the seasons. There were quite significant protests about it at that time for the reason you mention -- working people thought they were being cheated of pay for the days they were "missing." Page 4: "His proofs include a proof of proportionality, but the ones that had the greatest impact on Geometry are his attempted proofs of Euclid’s flawed parallel postulate." I agree that there was a school of thought (as seen in works of Proclus, later Islamic mathematicians, etc.) that the 5th postulate represented a sort of *flaw* in Euclid's geometry. However, from our current understanding of geometry, it's clear that that postulate is *necessary* (along with the others) to describe the geometry of the Euclidean plane. In that sense, it doesn't represent a "flaw" at all; in fact Euclid showed remarkable understanding by including it as one of his postulates(!) Page 5: About the quotation from Palmieri's article: Since you are giving this a fairly prominent place, it might have been good to say some more about this point and how it connects to other things. The "equimultiples" here refer back to Definition 5 in Book V of the Elements, which is Euclid's statement of the definition of proportions going back to Eudoxus. (This was one of the topics Brady Parsons was explaining in his presentation.) The issue was: how do you define a ratio of magnitudes x:y when they are not commensurable (i.e. when no integer multiple of x equals any integer multiple of y)? The Greeks had shown that some magnitudes (like the square root of 2) are irrational (= not commensurable with a unit length) and understanding this was a major theoretical advance. Going forward to the 19th century, these ideas were still developing and the ultimate outcome was the theory of the real number system and its properties -- things like the Completeness Axiom we studied in Principles of Analysis. Page 12: Your consultation of the HC, BC, and Fairfield U web pages regarding the role of mathematics today is a nice touch. However, I think that you would probably find very similar statements on the web pages of virtually all liberal arts college mathematics departments. Of course, that might also be evidence that the way Clavius championed the teaching of mathematics in the Jesuit schools eventually had wider influences too. Final Project: Annotated Bibliography -- 10/10 Presentation -- 32/35 Paper -- 50/55 Total -- 92/100 (letter: A-)