MONT 105Q -- Mathematical Journeys 

Probability Histograms -- Evidence for CLT 


February 5, 2010 


Consider the box  and make  ndraws with replacement.  
What do the probability histograms look like as  nincreases?  


Here is some code (for the computer algebra system Maple we use in 

many mathematics courses) in that computes the binomial probabilities 

and generates the corresponding probability histograms: 



> Y := proc (n) options operator, arrow; [seq(`*`(binomial(n, i), `*`(`^`(`/`(3, 38), i), `*`(`^`(`/`(35, 38), `+`(n, `-`(i)))))), i = 0 .. n)] end proc; -1

> X := proc (n) options operator, arrow; [seq(i, i = 0 .. n)] end proc; -1

> PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...
PH := proc (Xlist, Ylist) local i, start, n, pl; with(plots); n := nops(Xlist); start := `+`(Xlist[1], `-`(.5)); pl := {}; for i to `+`(n, `-`(1)) do pl := `union`(pl, {[t, `+`(`*`(100, `*`(Ylist[i]))...



With  n = 2draws: 


> PH(X(2), Y(2)); 1



With  n = 10draws: 

> PH(X(10), Y(10)); 1



With  n = 20draws: 

> PH(X(20), Y(20)); 1



With  n = 30draws  (at this point, notice that
the probability histogram is starting to look more "normal"
in shape(!)

> PH(X(30), Y(30)); 1



Finally, with  n = 100draws, and an approximating
normal curve in red:

> PH(X(100), Y(100)); 1


> sigma := `*`(sqrt(100), `*`(sqrt(`*`(`/`(3, 38), `/`(35, 38))))); -1; mu := `+`(`*`(`/`(1, 38), `*`(`*`(100, 3)))); -1

> A := PH(X(100), Y(100)); -1

> B := plot(`+`(`/`(`*`(100, `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(`*`(`^`(`+`(x, `-`(mu)), 2), `*`(`/`(`+`(`*`(2, `*`(`^`(sigma, 2)))))))))))), `*`(sqrt(`+`(`*`(2, `*`(Pi, `*`(`^`(sigma, 2))))))))), x = -1 .. 100); -1

> display(A, B); 1

