Will Peterson -- Countin' on the 2 and 4 This is a very interesting and well-written paper, though it's still rather speculative and the mathematical parts are rough and ``in progress.'' I agree that the combinatorics of rhythms may be an interesting way to think about improvised music (and even some non-improvised music, after the fact of composition). I think a lot of the mental processes involved in improvisation are probably analogous to forms of counting and "fitting in" units into an overall structure, so a sophisticated understanding of the possibilities is probably part of the toolkit of skilled improvisers (at least on an intuitive level). The Homer seminar I sat in on with Prof. Ebbott in Classics this semester convinces me that something like this is going on because of the way Greek dactylic hexameter (the meter of the Homeric epics) works. Most people think these poems were composed orally in performance by a somewhat similar process before they were written down. I think it's great that you devised your own topic this way; although I think it turned out to be more complicated than either of us saw at first, I think you are "onto" something here. Specific Comments: 0) Pages 1 and 2: Agreed that Schenkerian analysis cannot be the whole story. It's too much tied to the notions of the Western tonal harmony system and it aims for "big picture" understanding of a piece of music rather than understanding of details (it's a question of what scale you want to look at). 1) Page 8: "For example, a half note in position four opens up a set of six sixteenth notes on the left and six sixteenth notes on the right." > If the half note begins on the fourth sixteenth note of the 4/4 measure, doesn't that mean there are *three* sixteenth note slots on the left and *five* on the right? (The "left-over" part of the measure has to add up to two quarter notes = eight sixteenth notes.) This is corrected later on for the equation (3.1) so I think it's an editing problem(!) I can see what equation (3.1) is doing, but it would be good to explain a bit more about what the notation q_3, q_5, etc. means. I didn't understand that at first, although I do now :) 2) Page 9: "If you look at the spaces created by the nine locations of the half note, it becomes pretty obvious that they produce the series of partitions of eight ... " > Yes, but only the partitions with exactly two parts, i.e. p(8,2) in Beeler's notation. 3) Page 10: The formula (3.3) is exactly right for counting the number of "full" measures for each solution of (2.3) with equality. However, it's not correct to call those "derangements" because that word has a different meaning. A derangement is a permutation of [n] (all elements distinct) that has no fixed points. You are looking at permutations with repeated elements, so the definition of a derangement does not really apply. 4) Page 11: I think your method of counting is essentially OK, but I'm not convinced about the total of 166 in equation (3.7). I think you might be missing some measures. I tried to think of this a different way by exploiting what you were saying before about the "full" measures. You can make measures "full" by including rests in your computations on the same footing as the notes(!) and that simplifies the counting quite a bit as long as you are careful to include all the possible combinations of rests. Below, notes are capital letters and rests are lower case, with e = eighth rest, s = sixteenth rest. So for instance the three note measures including a half and a quarter include: HQQ -- 3!/2! = 3 of these HQEe -- 4! = 24 of these HQEss -- 5!/2! = 60 of these (but maybe you don't want to consider ss as different from e if they are consecutive -- the "ties" issue in a different form!) HQSes -- 5! = 120 of these (I think) this would give 207 different measures if ss is different from e and 207 - 24 = 183 if not(?) Final Project Grade Computation Bibliography: 10/10 Paper: 56/60 Presentation: 26/30 Total: 92/100