Nicole McDonald -- The Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem Your presentation on the max flow-min cut theorem was excellent -- clear, detailed, well structured. I think it was actually one of the best of all of the presentations from the projects in our class. The paper follows the presentation pretty closely, which is OK. However, I think it shows the effects of your being somewhat rushed for time to complete the project. Around page 5 you stopped footnoting sources. You really need to do that in work like this, especially when you use a graphic from one of them. Copying and pasting an image is equivalent to using a direct quotation, so those MUST be footnoted in the formal paper. Ideally you would do that in the presentation slides too, but I wasn't so picky about that. I'm not going to treat this as a violation of academic integrity because I do not think you're trying to represent those images as your own work. But you need to be more careful about this. I would also have liked to see some more details about the proofs of Lemma I, Corollary II, and Lemma III on page 9. It was perfectly OK to do what you did in the presentation. But the paper is the place to say more about why those results are true. Some specific comments 1) Page 3 -- Usually mathematicians would reserve the word "symmetric" for a relation that is symmetric as a whole (in your terms, EVERY arc has a corresponding arc in the opposite direction, not just one as in your example). 2) Page 7 -- It would have been good to say exactly which arcs are in a minimum cut here -- it's the arcs (7,t), (3,6) and (s,2). Recall that you have stated a certain definition of what a cut is -- a collection C of arcs in the network such that every path from s to t includes one of the edges in C. The diagrams you are using to illustrate the example might be based on a different, equivalent way to think about the definition. 3) Page 13 -- I'm sorry to see that the example you did in the presentation (or one like it) where you use the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find a maximum flow did not make it into the paper. Final Project Grade Computation Bibliography: 9/10 (late penalty) Paper: 49/60 Presentation: 30/30 Total: 88/100