Mathematics 133 -- Calculus with Fundamentals 1

Exam 4 -- Things to Know

December 3, 2015

General Information

The fourth full-period exam of the semester will be given in class on Thursday, December 10. It will cover the material from sections 8,9,10 of Chapter 3 and sections 2,3,4,6, and 7 of Chapter 4. There will be eight or nine questions (maybe grouped together as parts of larger questions) similar to problems from the quizzes, problem sets, and in-class practice problems so far. No graphing calculators will be allowed on this exam..

Lauren will run a review session for the exam on Wednesday evening, December 9.

Material To Know

As you will have realized, almost all of the stuff from Chapters 1 and 2 and the first part of Chapter 3, especially things about piecewise-defined functions, operations on functions, various classes of functions, all of our techniques for computing limits, continuity, and techniques for computing derivatives (Sum, Product, Quotient, and Chain Rules) is relevant here too. In particular, you will need to be able to compute derivatives proficiently using combinations of these rules as needed. The new material not covered on the previous exams is:

Good Review Problems:

There are online e-book version of the Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Review Problems from our book posted on LaunchPad (with answers for the odd-numbered problems). I suggest you try (a good selection of) the odd numbered problems on paper, then check your answers. In the problems from Chapter 3,

Also see the sample exam questions to be posted on the course homepage.