Mathematics 174 -- Applied Mathematics 2

Lab 5 (FFT) Solutions

> restart;

> readlib(FFT):

B) Example 2

> f := x->25*cos(194*x):

> inpR:=array([seq( evalf(f(j*2*Pi/1024)),j=0..1023)]):

> inpI:=array([seq(0,j=0..1024)]):

> FFT(10,inpR,inpI):

> FPSpoints:=[seq([k,sqrt(inpR[k]^2+inpI[k]^2)],k=1..1024)]:

> plot(FPSpoints);

Recall that in Maple, the DFT sequence term [Maple Math] gives an approximation to [Maple Math] , where

[Maple Math] is the "analog" Fourier transform of f. If [Maple Math] , then this analog FT can be

obtained like this. The FT of the window function [Maple Math] is similar to that in the worked example,

but the height of the central peak is proportional to the width of the window :

> FW:=int(exp(I*omega*x),x=0..Omega)/(2*Pi):

> assume(omega,real);

> FPS:=abs(subs(Omega=2*Pi,FW)):

> plot(FPS,omega=-20..20,numpoints=300);

The height of the central peak is [Maple Math] . By the linearity and modulation properties of the

Fourier Transform, the FT of [Maple Math] looks like two shifted copies of this,

scaled by 1/2 and superposed (i.e. added) -- centers shifted left and right to - [Maple Math] and + B.

Going now to the DFT , recall once again that the DFT sequence term [Maple Math] gives an approximation

to [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] is the analog FT of [Maple Math] . The periodicity of the 1024-point

DFT implies that the DFT of A cos( Bx ) [Maple Math] will have peaks at approximately [Maple Math] and

[Maple Math] . The height of the peak should be [Maple Math] . For the example above

with [Maple Math] , this gives:

> 512*25;

[Maple Math]

which agrees closely with the plot.

D) Using the "mystery signal itself"

> read "/home/fac/little/public_html/Applied9900/mystery.m";

> FFT(10,MystR,MystI):

> FPSpoints:=[seq([k,sqrt(MystR[k]^2+MystI[k]^2)],k=1..1024)]:

> plot(FPSpoints);

Band-pass filter with pass-band: 60 <= | [Maple Math] | <= 120 (MystR and MystI are now the FT of the

mystery signal.) So in the frequency domain, we want:

> H:=[seq(0,j=1..59),seq(1,j=60..120),seq(0,j=121..903),seq(1,j=904..964),seq(0,j=965..1024)]:

The following is OK for the product [Maple Math] since the imaginary part of H is zero.

> FiltR:=array([seq(MystR[k]*H[k],k=1..1024)]):

> FiltI:=array([seq(MystI[k]*H[k],k=1..1024)]):

> iFFT(10,FiltR,FiltI);

[Maple Math]

> plot([seq([2*Pi*(j-1)/1024,FiltR[j]],j=100..200)]);

The imaginary part is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller, so we will ignore it.

E) FFT for convolution

> f:=x->exp(-2*(x-3)^2):

> g:=x->exp(-3*(x-2)^2):

> plot({f,g},0..10);

Sampling f and g:

> Ref:=array([seq(evalf(f(10*i/1024)),i=0..1023)]):

> Imf:=array([seq(0,i=0..1023)]):

> Reg:=array([seq(evalf(g(10*i/1024)),i=0..1023)]):

> Img:=array([seq(0,i=0..1023)]):

> FFT(10,Ref,Imf):

> FFT(10,Reg,Img):

Real and imaginary parts of these DFTs are non-zero. Hence to multiply, we must do

the following. (Also, Maple's FFT does not include our factor [Maple Math] , so the DFT of the

convolution is just the product of the FFTs, without the extra factor of [Maple Math] ):

> ReProd:=array([seq(Ref[k]*Reg[k]-Imf[k]*Img[k],k=1..1024)]):

> ImProd:=array([seq(Ref[k]*Img[k]+Imf[k]*Reg[k],k=1..1024)]):

> iFFT(10,ReProd,ImProd):

We want to plot the result on the interval [Maple Math] . So the first coordinates

of the points we plot are [Maple Math] . Recall yet again that the DFT sequence term [Maple Math] using

samples of any function f gives an approximation to [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] is the

analog FT of [Maple Math] . The product of the DFT's gives the [Maple Math] times the DFT of the

convolution -- i.e. our result is [Maple Math] times what we want!! We need to multiply

by [Maple Math] = 10/1024 to get the correct vertical scaling:

> Points:=[seq([10*(i-1)/1024,ReProd[i]*10/1024],i=1..1024)]:

> plot(Points);

Again, the imaginary parts are very small , so we ignore them. By problem II on Problem Set 5

we know a formula for the convolution of [Maple Math] and [Maple Math]

namely: [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] where [Maple Math] . Our first gaussian is [Maple Math]

(that is, [Maple Math] and c = 2). Similarly, g( x ) = [Maple Math] (that is, [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] ).

By our formula f * g = [Maple Math] where [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] and c + d = 5 (which agrees with

the center of the peak in the plot above!)

> plot({Points,(Pi/sqrt(6))*1/sqrt(2*Pi*5/12)*exp(-(x - 5)^2/(2*(5/12)))},x=0..10);

Note: These are so close that it's hard to see that there are two plots here!
