Detailed Schedule -- Abstract Algebra II

Spring 2008, Prof. Little

This is a tentative, evolving schedule. As always, topics may be added, deleted, or rearranged during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and here.

Date Class Topic Reading (Hungerford)
1/16 Structure of finite abelian groups 8.2
1/18 More on structure of finite abelian groups 8.2
1/21 No class -- Martin Luther King day 8.2
1/23 Elementary divisors and invariant factors 8.2
1/25 What the Sylow theorems say; Problem Set 1 due 8.3
1/28 Conjugacy and the class equation 8.4
1/30 Proofs of the Sylow theorems 8.4
2/1 Structure of finite groups; Problem Set 2 due 8.5
2/4 More on structure of finite groups 8.5
2/6 Review of vector spaces 10.1
2/8 Extension fields; Problem Set 3 due 10.2
2/11 More on extension fields 10.2
2/13 Algebraic and transcendental extensions 10.3
2/15 More on algebraic extensions; Problem Set 4 due 10.3
2/18 Splitting fields 10.4
2/20 More on splitting fields 10.4
2/22 Separable extensions; Problem Set 5 due 10.5
2/25 More on separable extensions 10.5
2/27 Spare day; Exam I given in evening
2/29 Spare day 10.6
3/3,5,7 No class -- Spring break
3/10 Finite fields 10.6
3/12 More on structure of finite fields 10.6
3/14 Geometric constructions; Problem Set 6 due Chapter 15
3/17 Impossibility proofs for geometric constructions Chapter 15
3/19 The Galois group of an extension field 11.1
3/21,24 No class -- Easter break 11.1
3/26 More on the Galois group 11.1
3/28 The Galois correspondence; Problem Set 7 due 11.2
3/31 More on fundamental theorem of Galois theory 11.2
4/2 Proof of fundamental theorem 11.2
4/4 Solvability by radicals; Problem Set 8 due 11.3
4/7 Solvable extensions and solvable groups 11.3
4/9 The alternating groups, revisited 11.3
4/11 Nonsolvability of the general quintic equation; Problem Set 9 due 11.3
4/14 Application: error-control coding theory 16.1
4/16 Linear codes; Exam II given in evening 16.1
4/18 The decoding problem 16.2
4/21 Syndrome decoding for linear codes 16.2
4/23 Finite field structure and BCH codes 16.3
4/25 More on BCH codes; Problem set 10 due 16.3
4/28 Course wrap-up

The final exam for this course will be given at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 3, 2008.

Last modified: January 1, 2008