Holy Cross Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematics 351 -- Abstract Algebra I

Syllabus Fall 2007

Professor: John Little
Office: Swords 339 (note change!)
Office Phone: (508) 793-2274
Email: little@mathcs.holycross.edu (prefered), or jlittle@holycross.edu
Office Hours: MW 1 - 3pm, TR 11 am - noon, F 10 - 11am, and by appointment
Course Homepage: http://mathcs.holycross.edu/~little/AbstractAlgebra0708/Alg1.html

Course Description

Algebra is the part of mathematics that arose historically from the problem of solving equations of various forms. A typical example here is the problem of solving quadratic equations a x2 + b x + c = 0. The well-known quadratic formula from high school mathematics gives a general way to do this, of course. Although the symbols we use here are relatively recent, the mathematics is so old that the original discoverers (or inventors?) are unknown. This kind of work is typical of algebra up to about the start of the 19th century. At that time the ``state of the art'' was roughly as follows:

The work of Abel, Ruffini, and Galois, as well as subsequent work of Cayley, Sylvester, Hamilton, Boole, etc. was the start of what is now known as ``modern'' or ``abstract'' algebra. The basic idea of modern algebra is not only to study how to manipulate expressions, but also to focus on the underlying algebraic structures that allow you to make those manipulations. This is what made it possible to prove statements like the unsolvability of the general polynomial of degree at least 5 by radicals.

To understand what this abstract approach means, consider the following. In solving quadratic equations by the quadratic formula, we usually assume that the coefficients a,b,c are real numbers. Then the ``usual rules of algebra'' for the addition and multiplication of real numbers - the commutativity and associativity of multiplication, the distributive law for multiplication over addition, the existence of multiplicative inverses for nonzero a, the existence of square roots for all non-negative real numbers, etc. - are what allow us to derive the quadratic formula. Listing all these properties (omitting the existence of square roots) provides the definition of the algebraic structure known as a field.

But in fact much more insight is gained if we study fields ``in the abstract'' and ask:

The last question, especially, led to what can only be called a revolution in thinking about what algebra is and what it does.


The major objectives of the course are:


The text for the course is Abstract Algebra, An Introduction, 2nd ed. by Thomas Hungerford, Brooks-Cole, ISBN 0-03-010559-5. All of the course readings and most of the problems this semester will come from this text. We will be studying the material in Chapters 3 - 8 this semester and Chapters 9 - 11, 13 - 16 in the spring.

An interesting sidelight here: As you might guess from the dedications of the book, the author is a HC alumnus, one of the many HC mathematics majors who have gone on to graduate school and careers as mathematicians. Fr. Raymond Swords, S.J. after whom our building was named, was a member of the HC mathematics department before becoming President of the College. Prof. Vincent McBrien was another long-time member of the department who retired in the mid-1970's and died just last year.)

Course Assignments and Grading

The assignments for the course will consist of:

  1. Two in-class midterm exams, each worth 20% of the course grade. Tentative dates: Monday, October 1 and Wednesday, November 14. These will be given in the evening.
  2. Final Examination, worth 30% of the course grade. Scheduled date: Wednesday, December 12 at 8:30am.
  3. Weekly problem sets, worth 20% of the course grade. Notes:
  4. Group reports from discussion class meetings, together worth 10% of the course grade.

I will be keeping your course average in numerical form throughout the semester, and only converting to a letter for the final course grade. The course grade will be assigned according to the following conversion table (also see Note below):

Note: Depending on how the class as a whole is doing, some downward adjustments of the above letter grade boundaries may be made. No upward adjustments will be made, however. (This means, for instance, that an 85 course average would never convert to a letter grade of B- or below.)

If you ever have a question about the grading policy, or about your standing in the course, please feel free to consult with me.


The following is an approximate schedule. Some rearrangement, expansion, or contraction of topics may become necessary. A more detailed, day-by-day schedule will also be maintained on the course homepage for you to consult as needed. I will announce any changes in class, and on the course homepage.

WeekDatesClass Topics Reading (Hungerford)
1 8/29,31 Course introduction, begin rings 3.1
2 9/3,5,7 Rings 3.2-3.3
3 9/10,12,14 The polynomial rings R[x], F[x] 4.1-4.3
4 9/17,19,21 Irreducible factorization in F[x] 4.4-4.6
5 9/24,26,28 Polynomial congruences, begin quotient rings 5.1-5.3
6 10/1,3,5 Review for Exam 1, Ideals and quotient rings 6.1-6.2
10/3 Exam 1 (Chapters 3,4,5) given in evening
10/8 No Class -- Columbus Day Break
7 10/10,12 First Isomorphism Theorem, prime and maximal ideals 6.2-6.3
8 10/15,17,19 Groups, revisited 7.1-7.3
9 10/22,24,26 Homomorphisms, Lagrange's Theorem, Normal subgroups 7.4-7.6
10 10/29,31, 11/2Quotient groups, homomorphisms 7.7-7.8
11 11/5,7,9 The symmetric and alternating groups, direct products 7.9, 8.1
12 11/12,14,16 Review for Exam 2, structure of finite abelian groups 8.2
11/14 Exam 2 (Chapters 6,7, section 8.1) given in evening
13 19 The Sylow Theorems 8.3
11/21,23 No Class -- Thanksgiving Break
14 11/26,28,30 Proofs of Sylow, applications to structure of finite groups 8.4-8.5
15 12/3 Semester wrap-up
The final examination for this class will be held on Wednesday, December 12 at 8:30 am.

Departmental Statement on Academic Integrity

Why is academic integrity important?

All education is a cooperative enterprise between teachers and students. This cooperation works well only when there is trust and mutual respect between everyone involved. One of our main aims as a department is to help students become knowledgeable and sophisticated learners, able to think and work both independently and in concert with their peers. Representing another person's work as your own in any form (plagiarism or ``cheating''), and providing or receiving unauthorized assistance on assignments (collusion) are lapses of academic integrity because they subvert the learning process and show a fundamental lack of respect for the educational enterprise.

How does this apply to our courses?

You will encounter a variety of types of assignments and examination formats in mathematics and computer science courses. For instance, many problem sets in mathematics classes and laboratory assignments in computer science courses are individual assignments. While some faculty members may allow or even encourage discussion among students during work on problem sets, it is the expectation that the solutions submitted by each student will be that student's own work, written up in that student's own words. When consultation with other students or sources other than the textbook occurs, students should identify their co-workers, and/or cite their sources as they would for other writing assignments. Some courses also make use of collaborative assignments; part of the evaluation in that case may be a rating of each individual's contribution to the group effort. Some advanced classes may use take-home examinations, in which case the ground rules will usually allow no collaboration or consultation. In many computer science classes, programming projects are strictly individual assignments; the ground rules do not allow any collaboration or consultation here either.

What are the responsibilities of faculty?

It is the responsibility of faculty in the department to lay out the guidelines to be followed for specific assignments in their classes as clearly and fully as possible, and to offer clarification and advice concerning those guidelines as needed as students work on those assignments. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science upholds the College's policy on academic honesty. We advise all students taking mathematics or computer science courses to read the statement in the current College catalog carefully and to familiarize themselves with the procedures which may be applied when infractions are determined to have occurred.

What are the responsibilities of students?

A student's main responsibility is to follow the guidelines laid down by the instructor of the course. If there is some point about the expectations for an assignment that is not clear, the student is responsible for seeking clarification. If such clarification is not immediately available, students should err on the side of caution and follow the strictest possible interpretation of the guidelines they have been given. It is also a student's responsibility to protect his/her own work to prevent unauthorized use of exam papers, problem solutions, computer accounts and files, scratch paper, and any other materials used in carrying out an assignment. We expect students to have the integrity to say ``no'' to requests for assistance from other students when offering that assistance would violate the guidelines for an assignment.

Specific Guidelines for this Course

Because of the large size of this class, examinations will be given in scheduled, proctored sessions. No sharing of information in any form with other students will be permitted during exams. The other assignments will be the weekly individual problem sets and about 5 group discussions. On the problem sets, discussion of the questions with other students in the class, and with me during office hours is allowed, even encouraged. Consultation of other algebra texts in the library for ideas leading to a problem solution will also be allowed. Your final problem write-ups should be prepared individually, however, and the wording and organization of the writeup should be entirely your own work. If you take advantage of any of the options described above for consultation on the problems, you will be required to state that fact in a "footnote" accompanying the problem solution. Failure to follow this rule will be treated as a violation of the College's Academic Integrity policy. For the group discussions, you will be expected to work closely with your fellow team members.