MATH 136, section 2 -- Revised Schedule to End of Semester

Date Class Topic Section in Stewart
11/6 More on volumes by slicing 6.2
11/9 Finish volumes, average value 6.5
11/10 Applications of integrals in physics 6.6
11/11 More pplications of integrals in physics 6.6
11/13 Arclength, numerical approximations 6.4
11/16 Differential equations 7.1
11/17 Direction fields and Euler's Method 7.2
11/18 Separation of variables 7.3
11/20 Exponential growth and decay 7.4
11/23 Other population models 7.5
11/24 Modeling actual population data 7.5
11/25,27 Thanksgiving Recess -- NO CLASS
11/30 Taylor polynomials 8.7
12/1 Review for Exam III
12/2 Applications of Taylor polynomials -- evening Exam III (10/28 - 11/24)
12/4 Taylor series 8.7
12/7 More on Taylor series 8.8
12/8 Semester wrap-up

Final Examination

Last revised, 11/5/09.