MATH 136-02 -- Advanced Placement Calculus 

September 30, 2009 

To L'Hopital's Rule 



> plot([sin(`*`(Pi, `*`(x))), ln(x)], x = 0 .. 2, color = [red, blue]); 1



Suppose we want to determine whether  


exists or not.  This is an  


example of an "indeterminate 0/0 form" (like the limits of the difference  

quotients that give derivatives).  Let's try "zooming in" on the graphs near  

x = 1, and scale the and axes the same: 

What are we seeing here? 

> plot([sin(`*`(Pi, `*`(x))), ln(x)], x = .5 .. 1.5, color = [red, blue], scaling = constrained); 1


> plot([sin(`*`(Pi, `*`(x))), ln(x)], x = .9 .. 1.1, color = [red, blue], scaling = constrained); 1

