MATH 136 - Advanced Placement Calculus 

Example from class 9/2.

The data points:

`assign`(data, [[0, 1], [1, 1.4], [2, 2.3], [3, 3.3], [4, 4.1], [5, 4.5], [6, 4.7], [7, 4.9]]); 1 

[[0, 1], [1, 1.4], [2, 2.3], [3, 3.3], [4, 4.1], [5, 4.5], [6, 4.7], [7, 4.9]] (1)

A point or ``scatter'' plot:plot(data, style = point, color = red); 1 


A smooth curve of the form  y = `/`(`*`(M), `*`(`+`(1, `^`(ae, bt))))whose graph goes through
the first and last data points:
`assign`(PP, plot(data, style = point, color = red)); -1; `assign`(CP, plot(`+`(`/`(`*`(5), `*`(`+`(1, `*`(4, `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(`*`(.75402, `*`(t))))))))))), t = 0 .. 7, view = [0 .. 6, 0 .. 7], color =...
`assign`(PP, plot(data, style = point, color = red)); -1; `assign`(CP, plot(`+`(`/`(`*`(5), `*`(`+`(1, `*`(4, `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(`*`(.75402, `*`(t))))))))))), t = 0 .. 7, view = [0 .. 6, 0 .. 7], color =...
`assign`(PP, plot(data, style = point, color = red)); -1; `assign`(CP, plot(`+`(`/`(`*`(5), `*`(`+`(1, `*`(4, `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(`*`(.75402, `*`(t))))))))))), t = 0 .. 7, view = [0 .. 6, 0 .. 7], color =...
`assign`(PP, plot(data, style = point, color = red)); -1; `assign`(CP, plot(`+`(`/`(`*`(5), `*`(`+`(1, `*`(4, `*`(exp(`+`(`-`(`*`(.75402, `*`(t))))))))))), t = 0 .. 7, view = [0 .. 6, 0 .. 7], color =...

with(plots); -1 

display(PP, CP); 1 
