Mathematics 36, section 5 -- AP Calculus

Discussion 2 -- Taylor Series

October 1, 1999


Yesterday, we introduced the Taylor series of a function f(x) at x = a. As long as we can compute derivatives of f of all orders at x = a, the Taylor series is defined and looks like this:

Taylor series of f = sumk=0infinity f(k)(a) (x - a)k/k!
For example, the Taylor series of f(x) = ex at a = 0 looks like: sumk = 0infinity xk / k! since f(k)(0) = 1 for all k. Today we want to investigate the questions:

  1. If we substitute x = c, does the Taylor series of f evaluated at x = c ``add up to f(c)''?
  2. Does that work for all c? Some c? Which ones?

Recall that in class yesterday, we saw that the answer to question 1 for a particular x value is ``yes'' exactly when the error in the Taylor approximation with the nth degree polynomial:

En(x) = f(x) - pn(x) = f(x) - sumk = 0n f(k)(a) (x - a)k/k!

goes to zero as n -> infinity. For example, for f(x) = 1/(x + 1), at a = 0, the error is

En(x) = 1/(x + 1) - (1 - x + x^2 - ... +(-1)n xn) =(-1)n+1 xn+1 / (x + 1).

This goes to zero as n -> infinity only when |x| < 1.

Discussion Questions


Group write-ups due Tuesday, October 5.